Wednesday, September 8, 2010


hai hai semua :D
haduh, udah hampir 3 bulan aya ga posting apa" ya ? maap "..
soalnya aya udh sibuk (weijian) udah SMA soalnya..

kita bahas apa ya ?

aha ! *ting*

kalian tau waktu kan ? iya, waktu, w.a.k.t.u, wak-tu, atau time in English (maklum,mantan kelas inggris, xD)

pernah kpikiran ga, kalo waktu tu keren banget? gara" waktu, semua hal bisa berubah, sedih - senang, ketawa - nangis, trus marah - ga marah..
coba kamu pikirin deh, kenangan" masa lalu yg masi terngiang" di benak anda (bahasa hipnotis.. awas, jangan tidur di keyboard..)

coba, banyangin.. dulu waktu kecil kita pengen jadi apa, trus stelah bbrp taun kmudian, jengjengjeng.. jadi kayak gini,

walopun waktu tu kerasa lama bgt,kayak ndengerin ceramah guru sosiologi (ups, pengalaman, xD ) kalo kita liat", tau" kita udah gede aja.

perasaan kok jadi agak bingung ya, nulisnya?

oh,bntar, ada sms , C: hehe
*bales sms*

selesai, wkwk

hmm ;/ aku jadi blank, xD

gini deh, bayangin betapa cepatnya waktu ngebawa jalan hidup kita,
menghapus semua sesal dan sedih kita,
trus ngasih kita kenangan" yang indah,

jadi, walopun km kesel nungguin ceramah guru, jemputan pacar, dll dsb dst,
waktu tak kan ngecewain kamu kok :]

nunggu itu emang ngebosenin, tapi klo kita tau apa yg kita tunggu itu berharga bgt buat kita ntar, apa salahnya ?

(smoga postingan ini klo aya liat 3/4 taun mendatang ga cupu" amat, amin..)

time is precious and always will be.

salam hangat, sehangat pelukan, (ceilah)

aya :]

Monday, June 7, 2010

my own quotes

yep. i love quotes.
i knew some quotes,from famous people, books,or movies.
i am not only picking some quotes from those sources,but also making my own.
although,it's not too great, but it really represents my heart and thoughts.

here, i'll put some :

  • laugh = happiness = life

  • keeping secrets to keep someone's feeling is harder than changing a diaper of a baby crocodile

  • the cloudy days have passed, it;s time to face our glorious future

  • boys. Sometimes make us mad, but mostly, make us melt. <3

  • Life must not fill by tears. lips up, chin up! :D

yep. they'r my quotes. i know, they'r not too good, but that's all i got :]

i'd like to post something else,sometime. but i think it's enough for now.

love urself.



Monday, May 10, 2010

learn about my country #1

hey, i am back again. hope u wont bored with me. :D

I think my blog has became worldwide. so i think i am gonna post something about my country. Indonesia.

in this post, i will not talking about histories, heroic stories from my country (i think that's quite boring for a teenager blog ;). but i'll tell you,
how do we communicate.

Maybe, u got a little curiousity when im talking with my friends on my twitter ( ) or Facebook account. (!/cantika.prasetyo?ref=profile)

now, i will answer all your curiousities :) it's not too difficult, trust me ^^

dont worry about the pronounciations. Just try to say it. :)

first to learn: greetings

how are you? ,how is your day?, how is it going? : apa kabar mu? / apa kabar?
i am fine : saya baik-baik saja

good morning : selamat pagi
good afternoon : selamat siang
good evening : selamat sore
good night : selamat malam

thank you : terima kasih
your welcome : sama-sama / kembali

what is your name? : siapa nama kamu?
my name is... : nama saya adalah

well, i think it's enough for beginners. i'll post the other later.

happy learning, friends!


have anything to ask? send me an email on

terima kasih

Thursday, May 6, 2010

violin and me

well,its been a very long time, i haven't written on my precious blog.
its almost a year [wow] after my last post. know,i just realized, how long i've been leaving this blog.

here, i want to put my precious stuffs in my precious blog ;]
frist, u have to know, i am a violinist. i played some songs pretty well, but my favorite is "Canon In D". violin isnt my first musical instrument. i've played organ before i learnt violin.

you really need to know, i am not good at playing organ.
i couldnt read the note as fast as i read the violin partitures. pretty weird,i know.

well,its not yhe main reason, why i hate learning about organ. the main reason is: i have a fierce teacher. [not that creepy,but, i didnt feel comfort at all..]. fortunately, my school has a violin course. then,i tried that. and violin was so cool for me.
i found a unique difference that an organ never has. i dont know exactly,but i feel "connected"
with that strings instrument.

my parents bought me my first violin, and i named it 'kay'. you may think i'm weird or else, but, giving a name to our musical instrument will make us more closer with it.
thats my belief. ^^

almost 5 years have passed. and i still in love with my 'kay'
although i have some accidents while i performing with it, those accident teached me thing:
never give up,although you have a really embarassing accident, believe, someday, that acccident will lead you to the first place.

and it happened. (although i am not the best,but its nice to be he one of the special group ;)

smile all the time,
aya [cantika]